Not to drag this out, but
@dreamscene didn’t really uncover anything remotely relevant here. He personally doesn’t like the Hifiman Edition XS, a full size, open back, planar headphone, and prefers the Apple Airpods Pro, a noise canceling, bluetooth-only IEM. That’s not a lot to go on, and doesn’t say anything about the relevance or promise of measurements. It definitely doesn’t say anything about the DX3 Pro+ considering we know it’s basically a perfectly transparent, quiet, high-dynamic range DAC and headphone amp, and we have no idea what
@dreamscene was feeding it with.
Feeling like you got sold a bill of goods on a specific headphone is one thing, but the DX3 Pro+ is holding up its end of the bargain and you can’t fault it in terms of sound signature preference, especially given the completely apples-and-oranges (pun!) headphone comparison being made.