Addicted to Fun and Learning
Just wondering how many people here have the Topping D50 III DAC and whether you have noticed drop-outs when listening to music from the optical input. It seems to happen with 44.1kHz sample rate files, can be 16 bit or 24 bit it's the sample rate that seems to cause the problem. Also it happens most often (but not exclusively) in quieter passages of music eg: song intros and outros.
If you own a D50 III and haven't used the optical input yet could you test it and let us know in the comments here then vote accordingly. Someone has said they emailed Topping about this problem and they couldn't replicate it.
You can change your vote in this poll so if you haven't tried optical yet vote that you haven't tried it and then when you do test the optical input you can change your vote.
If you own a D50 III and haven't used the optical input yet could you test it and let us know in the comments here then vote accordingly. Someone has said they emailed Topping about this problem and they couldn't replicate it.
You can change your vote in this poll so if you haven't tried optical yet vote that you haven't tried it and then when you do test the optical input you can change your vote.