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Tom Christiansen Audio HPA-1 Headphone Amp Review

Yeah. We wandered far and wide in those interviews. Good times were had. :)

@jaibautista I'm glad you enjoy the HPA-1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

@jaibautista Tom's HPA-1 was my intro to his work as well. It's a phenomenal headphone amp. Sad thing is I'm not using mine very much these days. I think I've only turned it on once in the past month. Why you might ask? After getting the HPA-1, I decided to have Tom build me a Neurochrome Modulus-286 speaker amp. Virtually all of my listening time these days is spent with the Mod-286, which is another fabulous example of Tom's design chops. First world problems, I know...
HPA-1 seems a very good product (very competent design, great quality components and craftsmanship, stellar performance etc.).
Too bad I'm constrained to use a DAC + Pre-Amp + HP Amp combo (partially constrained by the limited space on my desk, partially constrained by my financial status).
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