My current Gallo Reference 3.5 towers are still going strong, but want to re-purpose them as FWs to move to 9 bed channel setup for HT. Current system use is only HT, but also looking for speakers that could shine in 2.0 (or 2.whatever) setup in attempt to also go back to enjoying the music like I used to. Amp will be old but good Bryston 4 SST, and if necessary, can even use two of them i.e. one for each channel. AVP is AV-10, currently with Audy.
The primary requirement is that tower needs to be a bloody bass monster (HT, could be tamed for 2.0), but also reproduce rest of the range without excessive distortion or coloration that could not be EQd. Secondary requirement is pretty shallow, but yeah should look good and preferably not be a flat tombstone like most towers are. Budget is not really set, which is part of the problem. But budget is pretty solid overall. Not pressed with timing, but also want to do this in next couple of month. Room is really difficult and they need to be able to play loud to the reference level. Distance to MLP is around 9ft, but loft is more than 6,000cft. They will be on the side of 98" TV, but TV will be some 10" back from the face of the speakers. Room is what it is and will not be changing it for couple of years at least.
So starting from the least expensive option here are some potential candidates:
1. PRESTIGE FACET 34F | Elipson - Heard it locally and it's pretty solid. Much better IMO than e.g. Klipsch RF-7iii (looking at comparable 2x10" woofer speakers) - more mellow and articulate in mid and high range (no horn and 2 mid and 1 high drivers). Still missing something, like can't really pinpoint it but could live with it happily ever after except that it is a typical tombstone. $3.5K for a pair.
2. New SVS Pinnacle Evolution towers - Have not heard them but big hype around them. And some people started receiving them and at least posting some graphs. Looks good, seems to play good, but would need to wait until I listen to them. Will likely be around $6k a pair in EU.
3. La Diva ( These are really good - heard them locally and they really have it all. Very heavy at the bottom with 2x8" drivers and 4x8" passive radiator per tower. But they still do perform admirably across the range and blend all in in a nice package. How much better are they for $9k then the Epsilon's for $3.5k? That is a good question. They are definitively smoother and more balanced overall but for a significant price difference. Also, did not have either in my room and with my setup and calibration which brings additional doubt in mind.
4. This option is way more than I want to spend, but then these could be (but hopefully not) the last towers I ever buy. So kind of an icing on the audio cake. And I could definitively afford it as a special personal treat. Reproduktory Wilson Audio Sasha DAW - Žilina | Bazoš.sk ( I could reduce the price likely to around $16k, but can't say that I like the color. If they were titanium gray, they would already be in my room
. Speaker obviously sounds out of this world and blows all the rest to pieces, despite the bass level being a bit lower than the No. 3 (although could be a thing of calibration as well). So while the premium is significant to No. 3, I would say difference between 3 and 4 is greater than between 1 and 3 for approximately same premium.
5. I have been also considering Revel F328be which would likely be close to Sasha, or couple of grand less. But have not heard it. While it made the toughest reviewers cry like babies, would still like to hear it though as I do have this mega bass requirement. Otherwise that seems to be almost as good of a choice as Sasha.
I did eliminate famous Perlistens as after audition with ART and DLBC did not find their R7t towers sufficient in the lower bass range. Again could be the calibration that I could not control. These would be around $9k and I would rather get Heco. Overall Perlistens are probably better speakers, but Heco are really good and more to my liking.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Obviously the price range between $3.5k and $16k is pretty broad, so I am sure there are other worthy speakers that I missed. I did consider and heard a bunch of other speakers but one way or another did not make it to this list. But more than happy to revisit.
The primary requirement is that tower needs to be a bloody bass monster (HT, could be tamed for 2.0), but also reproduce rest of the range without excessive distortion or coloration that could not be EQd. Secondary requirement is pretty shallow, but yeah should look good and preferably not be a flat tombstone like most towers are. Budget is not really set, which is part of the problem. But budget is pretty solid overall. Not pressed with timing, but also want to do this in next couple of month. Room is really difficult and they need to be able to play loud to the reference level. Distance to MLP is around 9ft, but loft is more than 6,000cft. They will be on the side of 98" TV, but TV will be some 10" back from the face of the speakers. Room is what it is and will not be changing it for couple of years at least.
So starting from the least expensive option here are some potential candidates:
1. PRESTIGE FACET 34F | Elipson - Heard it locally and it's pretty solid. Much better IMO than e.g. Klipsch RF-7iii (looking at comparable 2x10" woofer speakers) - more mellow and articulate in mid and high range (no horn and 2 mid and 1 high drivers). Still missing something, like can't really pinpoint it but could live with it happily ever after except that it is a typical tombstone. $3.5K for a pair.
2. New SVS Pinnacle Evolution towers - Have not heard them but big hype around them. And some people started receiving them and at least posting some graphs. Looks good, seems to play good, but would need to wait until I listen to them. Will likely be around $6k a pair in EU.
3. La Diva ( These are really good - heard them locally and they really have it all. Very heavy at the bottom with 2x8" drivers and 4x8" passive radiator per tower. But they still do perform admirably across the range and blend all in in a nice package. How much better are they for $9k then the Epsilon's for $3.5k? That is a good question. They are definitively smoother and more balanced overall but for a significant price difference. Also, did not have either in my room and with my setup and calibration which brings additional doubt in mind.
4. This option is way more than I want to spend, but then these could be (but hopefully not) the last towers I ever buy. So kind of an icing on the audio cake. And I could definitively afford it as a special personal treat. Reproduktory Wilson Audio Sasha DAW - Žilina | Bazoš.sk ( I could reduce the price likely to around $16k, but can't say that I like the color. If they were titanium gray, they would already be in my room
5. I have been also considering Revel F328be which would likely be close to Sasha, or couple of grand less. But have not heard it. While it made the toughest reviewers cry like babies, would still like to hear it though as I do have this mega bass requirement. Otherwise that seems to be almost as good of a choice as Sasha.
I did eliminate famous Perlistens as after audition with ART and DLBC did not find their R7t towers sufficient in the lower bass range. Again could be the calibration that I could not control. These would be around $9k and I would rather get Heco. Overall Perlistens are probably better speakers, but Heco are really good and more to my liking.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Obviously the price range between $3.5k and $16k is pretty broad, so I am sure there are other worthy speakers that I missed. I did consider and heard a bunch of other speakers but one way or another did not make it to this list. But more than happy to revisit.