After now having listened extensively to the nuprime 9 i thought i would update some of my thoughts
First i want to mention a bug bear of mine with the nuprime which made me think i might had somehow broken if you change the volume from the front holding it.. it will scratch with the metal at the top if you change the volume by putting your finger along the volume control it wont happen but that is pretty bad design hopefully this aint the case with all units
i much prefer the aunex7s volume control also its much bigger and more comfortable to use even though it is analog
i also in my adventures opened it up this is not something Nuprime says you shouldent do rather they in the manual tell you
that you have to do this if you want to change the setting from MM to MC when using a turntable
i think the way the way attached the top case is kinda ingenious there is a kind of metal tab that gets to be inserted into the front but the screws for the case are way to small i have lost two permanently gone forever
i had enough left to firmly reattach the case which is important because the heatsink is designed to sit flat to the case to dissipate heat so make sure to make sure it is firmly in place when you are done
The white material you see in the above photo in my earlier post.. photo i got from the internet is actually a kind of sticky material that glues itself to the case it was partially stuck to the case when i opened it up as long as you make sure the case is back as normal the glued sticky piece should go back hugging the case
Otherwise the internals looked just like the photos i already seen on the internet nothing new to see here very tidy and pretty
I have done extensive listening before and after i opened it and here are some more impressions
There is definitely a character to the way the 9 sounds it became more and more obvious the more i listened and i will attempt to compare this character to the aune x7s
The 9 lacks body this is a consistent thing i noticed which ended up making certain music sound clinical and anemic vocal performances for example
it is strange because the bass of the 9 is very good it has more of a feeling than the x7s and you can more clearly differentiate it compared to the X7s But it lacks body it can sound tinny at times
Another thing is it is quite sharp there is a lot more treble now why that is i cannot say im not an audio engineer but you know how someone sounds when they have a cold? a bit nasally voices with the 9 sound a bit like that it lacks a body and it is quite treble happy
Sense of space is quite similar it is hard for me to say if anyone of these two is better they are both very good though you dont get that in your head sound that i hate and is why i usually avoided headphones
I watched inspector morse and that did give me a good observation about sound stage performance it was raining in this specific scene and i could clearly hear that on the X7S not on the 9 this because on the x7s the rain was not taking up the same place as the actors in the show which is to say inside my head... but inside the right and left earcups
The 9 because of its lack of space the rain had to share the same place as the actors which made it much harder to hear
There are things the 9 does great and things it does badly so i will make a couple examples of this in actual music i have listened too
The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line
Wow with my X7S i want to dance its such a catchy track makes me feel happy the 9 seems to have lost something there are highs and there are lows but nothing in the middle at all it as if the mids have been completely sucked out
Bob Dylan most foul
The 9 does a better job with representing the detail around bob dylans voice especially the bass the whole track is clearer but i prefer the fullness of bob dylans voice with the x7s though this is an early example of the 9 showing its strength which will become much more obvious with the next track this track made it obvious what the 9 is good at which is complexity it seamlessly shows you everything in the track no matter how layered it is never glossing over any part of the song the X7s just seems to want to make good music the 9 cares that you hear everything and wants to make sure you do even if this might hurt musicality
Clark Terry Skylark
Welcome to the one track i found were the 9 easily kicks the X7s butt listening to the 9 makes you suddenly notice so much more in the track as if the x7s had a veil over it it simply sounds higher resolution on the 9 and that might sound pretty esoteric but that is the best way i can describe it as if the 9 was playing the bluray while the x7s was playing the dvd
Coming back full circle to this question of body on the 9
Nathaniel Rosen Suite no. 1 in G major
If you to know what i mean when i say lack of body look up this track the 9 has no body at all the Cello strings aint attached to an instrument on the 9 on the x7s it is a whole instrument
Heaven is a place on earth Belinda carlisle
the bass stops faster on the 9 and it has more of a kick a feeling to it on the x7s its more like a constant baseline but on the 9 it is noticeably more distinct on my studio monitors it sounds like a constant droning in the background so its nowhere close to the x7s or the 9 but the 9 wins over the x7s
there is a portion of this song were it becomes really clear that the 9 has the upper hand at 3.07 to 3 22
This entire section is so much cleaner clearer on the 9 every bass hit is much cleaner and has more feel more power and this is clearly were the 9 wins and kicks the x7s butt it just cannot compete with the sheer amounts of clarity the 9 puts out every bass kick clean separate it has oceans worth of space and separation on the x7s it becomes less distinct and continuous and not at all the same amount of power
Does this part of this song sound distinct to you? does every bass kick live in its own space or is it more like a constant droning baseline? and i do mean everything.. in the part i posted there are very quick bass at 3.17 and it just speeds up .. every hit has to be crystal clear be distinct live in its own space everyone of them has to have separation air and a feeling of power even when it speeds up! that is the grade you have to pass if you want to aspire to do what the 9 does when it comes to out right clarity and the 9 dont do this only to bass but it treats all music as lego pieces belonging to a bigger picture rather than just treating it as a continuous " noise "
my studio monitors end up in sixth place my X7s at second place and my 9 a first place the 9 is the only one that can make what happens at 3.17 sound like every kick is it owns thing the sound belongs to the collection of multiple bass beats it becomes just one solid sound on my x7s and on my studio monitors a continued quick bass line without distinct components
when that quickfire bass line has reached max speed the baseline has become just a blur a single continuous noise on anything but my Nuprime 9 which handles it like a champ i have to give it top credit there
So here is a quick summary the 9 majors in clarity and detail it is very analytical so much that it can rob your music of life it can turn a vocal performance into a treble only performance without any body this is not a good headphone amp for non pop tracks with vocals as top priority
the x7s is sooo much better in this genre of music its not even funny
The 9 is a detail monster it asks a lot of your recordings but if you find one that oozes in detail the 9 will eat it up and show you everything and lay it out right in front of you.. seamlessly! it has much better bass the one part were the x7s lack of clarity dont benefit is bass it just dont have the same power or clarity and clearly lags behind
The x7s though is a much more consistent performer i listen to music because well i enjoy it not to analyze it to death so for a lot of music the 9 just simply aint suitable the 9 would be perfect for someone working in a recording studio were accuracy and detail trumps everything else
This is crazy considering the 9 is meant to be class A amplifier without any biasing meant to embrace second harmonic distortion and be the most colored amplifier in the world but its not its incredibly neutral and honest to the source i bought this because i thought it might be fun to hear the "color " but that is not at all what this headphone amplifier is about it is about unrelenting truth
And when hearing a really well mastered tracks.. mostly acoustic classical musical... that is dripping with detail it is very enjoyable to plug in my headphones to the 9 if i want that power that kick listening to a great baseline the 9 is number 1 choice
but for 99 percent of my music.. vocals... it simply robs it off its life sucking out the mids like a tormented vacuum cleaner though for detail i have not heard anything that beats it and there is something to say for being able to bring a microscope to whatever song it is your listening to