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Thomann Swissonic A305 measurements by Erin

Hello, I'm new to the this amazing forum and I am in search of alternative to mine JBL 305P (MK 1) they hiss like bunch of snakes. Which model of Swissonic is more neutral and better for mixing? A305 or V5? I have hard times finding more info about them beside A306 which isn't sold by Thomann anymore. I would appreciate any tips. I am from EU and for me Kali LP-6 are almost the twice of price of JBLs or Swissonic. Cheers.
I'd be careful with the Swiss if it's for mixing. I have both the 305 mk1 & A305 and the only thing the A305 has going for it is a bigger bottom end.
Cabinet thickness, magnet dimensions, hiss, resolution - all are inferior to the Jbl.
I'd be careful with the Swiss if it's for mixing. I have both the 305 mk1 & A305 and the only thing the A305 has going for it is a bigger bottom end.
Cabinet thickness, magnet dimensions, hiss, resolution - all are inferior to the Jbl.
Uhh I almost have none alternatives in this price range. I searched everywhere everything. People from the mixing are somehow obsessed with Yamaha HS5 but based on all results of tests they seem not worth. Maybe V5 can be better? For me mine 305 sound boxy and somehow inferior to my normal speakers (Microlab B77) and those are cheap old multimedia speakers.
I gotta say, I really like the bass in my pair of a305, got them about a week ago. The issue is that they hiss a bit too much, anyone had similar issue with them? I really like them over JBL LSR 305. They seems to be more detailed and imagining on them seems to be superior but that's my ears.
I gotta say, I really like the bass in my pair of a305, got them about a week ago. The issue is that they hiss a bit too much, anyone had similar issue with them? I really like them over JBL LSR 305. They seems to be more detailed and imagining on them seems to be superior but that's my ears.
They do hiss a bit but by far not the worst offenders I've encountered. If it bothers you you could try bolting some resistors in front of the tweeters and raising the tweeter gain via dsp? :cool:
They do hiss a bit but by far not the worst offenders I've encountered. If it bothers you you could try bolting some resistors in front of the tweeters and raising the tweeter gain via dsp? :cool:
I'm not advanced enough to understand that, how would u do it? The hiss in mine is in sound very similar to like an quiet hairdryer. The noise is on same volume no matter if I increase or decrease them from my motu m4 or from the back of them. Don't know if I got the inferior monitor or they all have this issue.
They do hiss a bit but by far not the worst offenders I've encountered. If it bothers you you could try bolting some resistors in front of the tweeters and raising the tweeter gain via dsp? :cool:
I replaced them for same model and gotta say the self noise variates between them quite a lot. But with another pair I encountered different issue. Whenever they go to the sleep mode I hear buzzing from the front rear. I tried different cables, ports, even brought the power strip with a EMI/RFI filter. Nothing helped so far. I love those A305, but it drives me nuts and don't know what to do.
But with another pair I encountered different issue. Whenever they go to the sleep mode I hear buzzing from the front rear.
Front rear? That's a literal oxymoron, so I guess you didn't mean to write it like that. (I am no stranger to typing "brain farts" myself.)

Anyway, you may be hearing the power supply going into burst mode at low load, with the coil noise generated as a result more easily transferred to the cabinet than a high-pitched whine. (That assumes the amplifiers being turned off in standby, which kind of is the point of this function.) This is the counterpart to transformer hum. Reducing vibration transmission from the power supply board or applying extra mass to surfaces (much like you would with a car door or PC case) may be possible with some ingenuity but don't hold your breath.
Front rear? That's a literal oxymoron, so I guess you didn't mean to write it like that. (I am no stranger to typing "brain farts" myself.)

Anyway, you may be hearing the power supply going into burst mode at low load, with the coil noise generated as a result more easily transferred to the cabinet than a high-pitched whine. (That assumes the amplifiers being turned off in standby, which kind of is the point of this function.) This is the counterpart to transformer hum. Reducing vibration transmission from the power supply board or applying extra mass to surfaces (much like you would with a car door or PC case) may be possible with some ingenuity but don't hold your breath.
Front ported, my bad, a bit new to all of those terms, I'm learning. :) Yeah I guess it's a power supply, since like I mentioned, I tried almost everything that came to my mind with it. I'm a bit new to studio monitors and mostly I gained more experience with an headphones. Is there any solution to that? It kind of sounded like and buzz similar to when something isn't grounded but it should be. I'm 99% sure my previous ones didn't had this issue.
Pretty Happy how mine pair of a305 sounds. Lower End is sounds very full for these small Speakers. And Yeah forgive me for the Bass. Love it that Way
Pretty Happy how mine pair of a305 sounds. Lower End is sounds very full for these small Speakers. And Yeah forgive me for the Bass. Love it that WayView attachment 417593
Looks great. Nice sloping "room" curve, and smooth.

Is this before or after EQ.

If you EQ'd it, to achieve this measurement, please how was this achieved?

Looks great. Nice sloping "room" curve, and smooth.

Is this before or after EQ.

If you EQ'd it, to achieve this measurement, please how was this achieved?

This measurement was taken after EQ.
I'm still learning and far from being an expert, but I used the auto EQ in REW with my preferred listening curve.
I started by EQ’ing each channel separately and then adjusted both channels together afterward.

I’m not sure if this is the most professional or ideal approach, but it made the most sense to me and i’m really happy with the result so far!
This measurement was taken after EQ.
I'm still learning and far from being an expert, but I used the auto EQ in REW with my preferred listening curve.
I started by EQ’ing each channel separately and then adjusted both channels together afterward.

I’m not sure if this is the most professional or ideal approach, but it made the most sense to me and i’m really happy with the result so far!
I followed a similar approach, but it's a while ago. I'm more of a head worn device listener nowadays. But I still value the need for speakers. Each approach has its own benefits. Challenge is my speakers are in need of replacement, or augmenting with a more modern speaker. I have a 22 year old pair of Alesis M1 MK 2's, which clearly have been surpassed by newer tech, but they do have value for what I use them for - mixing music - part time day job.

Definitely that result looks spectacular.

A few questions please, so I can appreciate your method better.

1. What measurement microphone please?

2. Which of these methods are you using for pointing the microphone?

2.1 Placed in the listening position, pointing upwards

2.2 Placed in the listening position, pointing towards the center between the speakers

2.3 Pointing the microphone at the tweeter of each speaker.

3. In what EQ solution(software or hardware) are you implementing the speaker/room correction "filters" generated from REW's Auto EQ efforts?
I'm torn between these speakers and the JBL 306P MK 2's.

Another interesting comparison.
I followed a similar approach, but it's a while ago. I'm more of a head worn device listener nowadays. But I still value the need for speakers. Each approach has its own benefits. Challenge is my speakers are in need of replacement, or augmenting with a more modern speaker. I have a 22 year old pair of Alesis M1 MK 2's, which clearly have been surpassed by newer tech, but they do have value for what I use them for - mixing music - part time day job.

Definitely that result looks spectacular.

A few questions please, so I can appreciate your method better.

1. What measurement microphone please?

2. Which of these methods are you using for pointing the microphone?

2.1 Placed in the listening position, pointing upwards

2.2 Placed in the listening position, pointing towards the center between the speakers

2.3 Pointing the microphone at the tweeter of each speaker.

3. In what EQ solution(software or hardware) are you implementing the speaker/room correction "filters" generated from REW's Auto EQ efforts?
1. Umik-1

2. directly to the speakers. bc its just stereo.

2.2 in in circle to get all positions. measuring with white noise. seems more accurate to me since my listeningposition isnt the same every time

3. Apo EQ. there are several easy tutorials on youtube on how to extract it.
1. Umik-1

2. directly to the speakers. bc its just stereo.

2.2 in in circle to get all positions. measuring with white noise. seems more accurate to me since my listeningposition isnt the same every time

3. Apo EQ. there are several easy tutorials on youtube on how to extract it.
Excellent, thanks for adding to my knowledge. Best wishes.
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