* Music signal is the most critical component in an audio system ~ If it was mastered by engineers with equipment, then the signal should sound pristine.
* If the signal was mastered by a computer, then there are issues in the signal, and that, despite everyone assuming that all tracks available anywhere where mastered and sent to market in what the artists intended, are more wrong and incorrect in their thinking, and should pause and understand that digital mixing and mastering have flaws.
* Take for example a CD disk that was Sold as Remastered: one would assume that the disc would have a pristine listenable sound, this clearly is not the case when listened to closely and carefully. In fact the CD sounds like the audio was cut above 14khz, as well it sounds very tonaly distorted. This being a Label CD that was supposedly Remastered ~ Does not sound any different than an poor mp3 music file.
All music has to travel through ethernet cables that presumably have large amounts of jitter> ethernet cables introduce distortion and other anomolies into the sound, and reduce the amount of the Studio Sound the original signal was masterd as.
* Millions of dollars of Hifi Audio equipment, by themselves will never make bad music sound good.
Since music switched to Digital, it has been used recklessly to appease a market that listen to audio via $20 audio equipment, or at least via headphones< where the music needs to be squeezed smaller to sound more punchy.
* If it is possible to make bad audio equipment sound good with upgrades and improvements, it is also possible to make a bad Track sound reasonably better than the original Audio File ~ This includes utilizing Various VST software to better align the track to its Original Studio Sound ~ That being, preserved Stereo Seperation Sounstage height preserved and not accentuated, as well as keeping the economy of the entire bandwisdth from overppowering the rest of the Freq's in the signal.
* To think of music audio a just freq's is incorrect> it should also be viewed electrically, and how VST software when propery scaled and implemented can bring about better voicing to the Audio Signal without corrupting anything. Just as upgrading audio equipment better adjusts the audio clarity to the original equipment. etc.