To really build wealth, think in terms of multi-generational wealth building. To build wealth as an individual, invest consistently and look for low fees. If you do that with 10% of every check you earn in your life, off the top, you will build a good nest egg. If you start doing that at 30, not so much.
I did do some trading back in the day, but found it way too much work for the extra return. And my brother, he's doing all sorts of things with options these days, which is tempting given his returns. But after a bit, I decided to go with this.
I go with index funds (low cost), spread across different asset classes. Every check for decades, so dollar cost averaging. I re-allocate by asset classes once a year. I am just starting to shift to a more conservative stance from my "80% equity" position as I approach retirement and beyond.
So, overall US market, international market, REITs, bonds, etc.
That's it. It's not complicated, but it is effective.