OK, hot shot. Here's a graph of US GDP growth rate over a long period of time, going up to present day. Spot 1971 on this chart.
View attachment 301212
Also, the gold standard was first abandoned in 1933, before a lot of the inventions you mentioned. I've also never heard the phrase "inflation kills innovation" before, not even in economics class in a survey of fringe theories, but it sounds like something you'd agree with?
The gold standard was abandoned and only reinstated in a weakened form, largely because deflation is generally much worse than inflation for the broader economy. The gold standard is generally considered the reason why the great depression was as bad as it was. Which, of course, is something that would be even worse with Bitcoin than gold, since at least you can in theory keep mining gold indefinitely, and the assets of dead people who forgot their passwords don't simply disappear forever if they exist in physical form.