I would imagine that would be because he signed off on a vinyl master that had very little relation to the soundYou don’t know that. I can cite a perfect example. I worked with David Grohl a few years back and asked him about various masterings of the Nirvana catalog. He went on a small tirade about how Universal “completely f**ked up the mastering” on the most recent CD reissues and ironically said if you didn’t have the original vinyl you had no idea how the recordings actually sounded.
on the master tapes. When a digital (accurate) remaster was released, and for whatever reason he didn't have any
power of approval in his contract, he was pissed.
And whether the remasters sounded good or not, he was pissed because he didn't have any "say so".
An understandable position, but life's a bitch and then you die.
He should have had a stronger contract.