Might as well take a whack at this...
Front wall is brick covered with wood panels, all other walls/ceiling are two layer drywall with GreenGlue.
Speakers are currently around 5.25' to front baffle off front wall and 2.5' off of the side walls.
Listening chair is centered and about 4' off back wall.
The "Shrine"
Aerial Acoustics 7T Loudspeaker
Pass X250.5 Amplifier
Pass XP20 Preamp
Auralic Vega DAC
Caps V3.0 PC
Room Treatment/Power/Cables
GIK and custom room treatments
2 Dedicated 20 Amp Circuits
Torus Power TOT Isolation Transformer (used for front end equipment only)
Volex Power Cords / whatever came in the box
Mogami Neglex Cables (balanced)
Kimber 4TC Speaker Cable
HQ Player (upsamples to DSD128 and convolves Acourate filters)
Above runs on Caps v3.0 in listening room, files on server in basement running Roon Core
Audiophile Foo
VPI Traveller TT/Ortofon 3M Bronze Cart
Parasound JC3+ Phono Pre
LPS for Caps V3.0 (HDPlex)
Optical Nework before Caps V3.0
Cryo'd Hubble Outlets (2)
Rebar Chairs (cable lifts to keep signal cable away from power cable)
Since this is a science forum, here are the obligatory measurements:
Room FR with Acourate psychoacoustic smoothing:
I have not (yet) measured the actual response with the Acourate filters, but here is the predicted response:
Acourate has made the single largest improvement of anything I have ever done with the system. I only wish I had abandoned the "purist" route sooner and tried this earlier.
If I keep reading this forum, I might go crazy and try to get rid of the preamp and go full digital.

Or add a couple of subwoofers, who knows!
For now, things are working well and sounding great. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the music for a while before I tear the whole thing down.