As everyone knows, a foo and his money are soon parted. 
While my main love is 2 channel, I do enjoy my movie nights, so it has to be equally adept at this. Just running a 4.0 set-up at the moment as that's all I need in my current room.
So my current kit is;
Chord Electronics Blu CD Transport
Chord Electronics QBD76 DAC
Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 3D CD player
"Some crappy" Toshiba Blu-ray Player
Chord Electronics CPA 4000E Pre-Amp
Chord Electronics DSP 8000 AV Processor
Chord Electronics SPM 1200E Power-amp
Chord Electronics SPM 1200C Power-amp
Chord Electronics Mezzo 140 Power-amp
B&W Nautilus 802
B&W Nautilus 805
Full Nordost loom on my 2 channel set-up, excluding mains cables (can't wait for comments in this)
The eagle eyed member may notice that I've more power-amps than required, this is purely for future additions/back-ups.
I've not listed the "foo" for obvious reasons!!!
I like to think have no add-on foo except some ferrite clamps I probably don't need. And a lava lamp. And a new Bat Chain Puller for the ceiling fan... it was presented to me as the perfect gift...
View attachment 4073
And the reason why it should be...
"Captain Beefheart's Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) [CD, VAULTernative VR2012-1] is an acquired taste, but once I am immersed in it, I never want to hear anything else." - Bob Ludwig
The current condition of my otherwise foo-less all-purpose self-rising room...
View attachment 4074
The Scrutinizer obviously measured a hot spot over on that right hand side ...Your adjustable acoustic diffusion & absorption system is Great.
I like to think have no add-on foo except some ferrite clamps I probably don't need. And a lava lamp. And a new Bat Chain Puller for the ceiling fan... it was presented to me as the perfect gift...
Basically, the WIRW(WR)WIRWI* discipline.
Welcome to the forum Gordon , thanks for posting your gear details.New on here, so I thought I'd start by listing my current setup:
Fanless PC/JRiver
Mytek 8x192ADDA
Nakamichi AVP1 (x2)
Linkwitz LX521.4
Acourate DRC
Also have some rebuilt active Magneplanar MG2.5Rs, Graham Slee ERA V phono stage and Michell Hydraulic Ref Turntable (no longer hydraulic) with Rega RB250 and Garrott P77.
Room is some converted stables about 30ft by 12ft by 10ft with catherdral ceiling. Speakers about 1/3rd way down room and about 3ft from side walls so 6ft apart. Room is long, but (relatively) narrow unfortunately. I sit about 8ft from speakers.
Will post some pics shortly.
Linkwitz LX521.4
Sweet, nice rig and welcome!Here you go.
Welcome aboard. I must say it is the first time I have seen Linkwitz speakers outside of shows!
Did you refinish the face of Scott tuner? Never saw anything but the standard gold
But say what is the vintage and brand of the radios on top right?
The whole setup looks very nice with the bookshelf acting like a giant diffuser where it should be.
Kool, thanks. I think the brown ones were rare though looking there are a lot of pictures on Google. Looking in my 1963 Allied Radio catalog it's not listed as a option on any gear?No, it's all original, I think the brown and gold faceplate LT10 was made in very small numbers compared to the all gold version. Found it in a secondhand shop. Like most Scott's a very good tuner but mono of course.
The LT- series are were less expensive than their 3xx series sisters because they were DIY kitsGreat looking 310..... I think the LT10 was a cheaper (and not quite as good) version of the 310 sold about 1966 for a couple of years.