Is this thread/discussion about TVs or PC-Monitors?

Each of these types of display panels used to serve different purposes; until HDMI managed to bridge that chasm.
In the case of OLED PC-monitors; there are a few different use-cases, at the "
high end": One serves the gamers' fps appetite... Another use-case has become for the consumption of HD video content.
[I don't think the bitcoin-miners and AI-integrators care as much about their PC-monitors, as they may for their "
high end" GPUs and CPUs.]
Do these new class of OLED PC-monitors take care of video rendering/upscaling (w/dedicated processors)?
Do the streamers (OLED@4K+) rely on the built-in graphics of their CPU or are they using a dedicated add-on GPU card?
And what about the problem with burn-in, which may affect an OLED PC-monitor more readily than an OLED TV?