So after a day of tinkering I've managed to set the 3000 Micro up with my KEF R300's and Denon X3700H using both the SVS EQ and Audyssey combined.
REW Moving Mic measurements at the MLP below:
Before any EQ
View attachment 139883
After flattening the peaks with the SVS app
View attachment 139884
After calibrating with Audyssey XT32 - (no smoothing)
View attachment 139885
With main speakers after audyssey but before doing the distance tweak (massive suck outs on the left speaker, clearly out of phase at the XO @ 80HZ)
View attachment 139886
View attachment 139887
After Distance Tweak & Ratbuddysey to sort out some spikes in the 200-600hz region. Some suck outs remain due to MLP being close to the rear wall. Audyssey is limited to ~600hz.
View attachment 139889
View attachment 139890
The room really doesn't help with speaker placement. Its quite small (5 meters by 4 meters) with one wall being 90 degrees to the back and the other 45 degrees. Also behind the speakers there is a massive wall to wall built in bookcase that causes havoc with first reflections and bass cancellation. Unfortunately cannot do much as renting at the moment

. All in all the SVS app and Auddysey managed to tame the room down as much as practically possible.
View attachment 139891
Bass is impressive from a cube this size. Previous sub (Dali E-9F) - 9 inch ported - was rolling off at 40hz with no output after 30hz. This one starts rolling off at 30hz and maintains a decent level of output down to 20hz. Plus its TINY - barely wider than the KEF's so it just vanishes in my small living room!
Bass quality wise, I find it much tighter than the Dali - the Dali would sound muddy and ill defined, maybe as a consequence of the down firing port, but this one is tight and agile.
SPL wise, I don't listen over 90-95db peaks as my neighbours would complain. The sub has no problem following along and feels like it can go quite a bit louder too.
If you have a small room, this is a great sub. Maybe the KEF KC-62 would go lower but at half the cost, I can get 2 of these and optimise the bass response even more!