Hey. Probably a stupid question but...
Wanted some suggestions for devices to setup my main sources for music listening. I own a pro-ject E turntable connected to a pro-ject phono box MM/MC. For now it's connected to my AV receiver, which o hate the sound from it.
The other device I have is a Sony Walkman nw-A55 where I listen to his res music. Also have some ripped cds in my computer.
So, I want to make a dedicated room/place to listen to my vinyls or my his res music.
So, new speakers come to mind and want a headphone amp (i have the Sony WH-1000xm4) listen, mainly the vinyl, with headphones from time to time.
The room is small so I don't need amazing speakers. My possible speakers include from the Edifier 1280t /R1700bt to the Kanto yu4 ou yu6.
But I'm lost here since I don't even know if there's a way to use the Sony Walkman as source and not lose quality (ldac is not hi res).
I've been checking topping e30/l30 stack or a LOXJIE A30... But really don't kknow if it makes sense since the analog (vinyl) / digital hi res stuff..
All suggestions and clarifications are welcome.
btw, buying in EU
Wanted some suggestions for devices to setup my main sources for music listening. I own a pro-ject E turntable connected to a pro-ject phono box MM/MC. For now it's connected to my AV receiver, which o hate the sound from it.
The other device I have is a Sony Walkman nw-A55 where I listen to his res music. Also have some ripped cds in my computer.
So, I want to make a dedicated room/place to listen to my vinyls or my his res music.
So, new speakers come to mind and want a headphone amp (i have the Sony WH-1000xm4) listen, mainly the vinyl, with headphones from time to time.
The room is small so I don't need amazing speakers. My possible speakers include from the Edifier 1280t /R1700bt to the Kanto yu4 ou yu6.
But I'm lost here since I don't even know if there's a way to use the Sony Walkman as source and not lose quality (ldac is not hi res).
I've been checking topping e30/l30 stack or a LOXJIE A30... But really don't kknow if it makes sense since the analog (vinyl) / digital hi res stuff..
All suggestions and clarifications are welcome.
btw, buying in EU