But once in a while he's doing these relentless rant without any backup and many claims are easily proven wrong. That's the part of the issue.
I think I explained it very well ---
0. this site's test flow is public knowledge. for sinad, only 1khz tone is tested on this site.
1. people care more about sinad chart than 20-20k 90k bandwidth.
2. 20-20k audio band thd+n is not even measured here.
so for manufacturers who want to promote their products here, optimizing for 1khz sinad is a very rational choice.
We can see this device is a clear evidence of this --- 2khz sinad is degraded by 5db in wolf's test.
Look, no one knows that the sinad would be degraded that much by reading only amir's review.
Similar to the fact that no one knew the left channel has -75db thd before I disclosed it.
So it clearly means the rubric to grade equipments on this site is only partially useful, and is far from telling the whole story.
It may happen that some good designs work well for all frequencies.
but if that's hard, optimizing for 1khz is an easy and straightforward approach.
The rule on this site works that way. Unless that changes, the above always hold.
So no, this is not "relentless rant" or can "easily proven wrong".
We see devices doing that here. I proposed my theory.
If you think it's groundless, you need to show evidence that "company never optimize for 1khz sinad".
An easy solution to eliminate our conflict is to pressure amir to have more comprehensive test suite.
Only when transparent testing data are disclosed can it erase our doubt on such optimization.