Hello people,
I have some questions and REALLY want some advice!!! I wanted to compare the SMSL VMV A1,
Nobsound JLH 1969 Clone, and the new Topping offering an AB amp, the LA90.
I have the A1 and the Nobsound here. The Nobsound was quite the bargain at $220 on sale delivered and I got the A1 from Apos on sale 15% off.
I am using my computer as the source using USB to go into an SMSL VMV D1 DAC. I picked up a pair of Klipsch RP600M2s on sale for $450, upgrading from my Emotiva Airmotive 4s. I actually heard them in a real audio store, compared them to the Focal 806s and Dynaudio Emit10s etc. and for the money I got what I liked best SOME reviewers be darned!

. I am using for a preamp a pretty neat piece of technology,the
Luminous Audio Axiom II passive preamp with the walker mod. It's amazing how it changed my sound. I got the Preamp with the 1 XLR input and 2 XLR outputs for a good price and trust me it's worth every penny for what it does. The other out goes to a Topping A90D headphone amp, and I know it has a preamp with an extension but for my purposes I opted the above Axiom II.
Here come the questions with that long winded introduction to give all the backup information.
1. Does it pay to keep the A1 vs. the Nobsound given from research the JLH is a really a Class A amp vs. a highly biased AB almost A amp in the SMSL.
2. Return the Nobsound JLH 1969 keep the A1 and don't even think about the Topping LA90?
3. Return both the Nobsound and the SMSL A1 and just get the Topping LA90?
I realize those are loaded questions, but I am sure some here have some strong feelings about this. I would really like to hear opinions on this as there are times one can get lost on the journey and get caught in one's own over thinking vs. just doing what should be right. Thanks in advance for any help offered, and yes, I do realize there really isn't a 100% right or wrong answer. I just know there are people here that have a TON more experience than I do!