Just to put the correct information here:
- Firmware for the SU-9 problem exists, but has never been published or made available to users.
- All devices that were already on sale outside of China at the time of the firmware update (Amazon, retailers, etc.) were simply sold with the problem. At the time there were several interesting offers on Amazon in the EU for the SU-9 (€300-350).
- According to my information, the SU-9 can only be flashed with the latest firmware at Shenzhenaudio or Audiophonics.
- Since SMSL has neither used nor changed an identifier or a different firmware version/additional letter etc. in the firmware, it is not possible to tell which firmware version is on the device. Unless there is a sticker with the information on the device.
It would be great if you could provide the owner of the SU-9 with a download link for the latest firmware and information about the flash tool and the procedure.
This would make a lot of people happy.