Today I received the SU-6. First track to send through it, was D'Angelo's Brown Sugar from CD, through optical. I've already sold my E30 so couldn't do a direct comparison, but what struck me was the "air" in the tambourines. Overall sound has a nice amount of body to it. I've ordered some new RCA's from Ali, as suggested by Youtuber "Михаил Греков" (
video - watched with automatic translations, which works surprisingly well hehe).
Power cycling works great: AC ON = DAC ON, simple as that
One question: does the DAC have an option to switch between preamp mode & DAC mode, like the Topping E30? Or should I just leave it at 0dB and just assume there's no quality loss?
I also tested LDAC over Bluetooth with my old Huawei P20 Pro & Google Pixel 6 and the SU-6.. The Pixel 6 definitely can't handle 990kbps (24bit), no problem with the Huawei.. But this has become a well known problem with the Pixel 6 lineup.