What does the barrage of measurements from yesterday tell us?
First of all, remember that this is a development thread, and we just iterated on the cabinet with some pretty significant changes. This means none of the measurements are representative of the final product. There have already been a number of changes based on listening sessions yesterday and today.
Second, many of the measurements are in-room and from a single room (tests will be expanded to additional room in due time), so they are not necessarily representative of what will happen in any given room.
All that being said, we see a response that are well extended in the sub bass, and we also see midbass behaviour that is very promising. In this room the midbass response and energy level (not capacity) is comparable to that of Manta with dual subwoofers.
The overall tonality is also very similar to Manta, which in my book is a very good thing.
What we cannot see from the measurements is how it sounds, and the painstaking exercise of ensuring it sounds good across every genre and track I can think of starts (again) now. It sounds very promising so far. Initially a bit too tidy and restrained yesterday, but it has loosened up after some adjustments. The midbass level has also been dialed back a bit to ensure it doesn't sound bloated on tracks that are busy in this frequency range.
The focus of the redesign was the bass and midbass, but listening through tracks now brings the midrange and tweeter into focus as well. Overall it is very smooth and pleasant to listen to, I'm tempted to say almost "buttery", to use a bit of hifi magazine flower language.

The compression driver in this coax is a very positive experience.
More to follow!