Rubbish mixtape: fan reunited with cassette 25 years after losing it
Sankyo-based Nakamichis almost always can be resurrected. Visit if you run into problems.
I have a 680ZX
I'm surprised you didn't like your Nak.
I have a 680ZX - is that Sankyo based?
No. That one has what is called the 'Classic' transport: 48*, 58*, 68*, 660, 670, 1000ZXL, 700*, RX-505, RX-303, Dragon.
Models younger than these have 'Sankyo' transports (a colloquial name, not implying that this was actually manufactured
by Sankyo). Models older than these have ... older stuff.
Edit: worn idlers are typical for early Sankyo transports, hence my earlier posts. If you have a classic transport and a problem, then it is likely not the idler and you may want to seek specialised help. The classic transports are very old now, and they are not quite easy to maintain.
I can't believe no-one has posted the TDK MA-R90
Tape was my gateway to music growing up, iv a far more potent emotive and sensory connection with this medium than any other.
Nice shots of Type I. But anybody recording knew you had to have Type II or better, normal bias just didn't cut it.
I didn't actually buy cassettes expecting great audio quality, I liked to collect them. As such, I preferred to have a couple of each variety, hence my disappointed with not having any SF tapes.Don't envy the SF. I was never very impressed with it to be honest. The ARX was such a fantastic Type I, you really needed to leapfrog the SF and SA straight to the SAX to gain an improvement, and even then, the SAX didn't have the MOL of the ADX/ARX IIRC.