yours is just
one definition for sound. There are quite a few others, e.g.
Or the short "definition for everyone": it's just a bunch of bloody waves in the air.
You/me/anyone can have lots of oppinions but the well studied and documented truth is quite clear: sound is not an ears-only experience but full-body. And it is perceived both consciously and unconsciously.
Every single living cell reacts to sound/vibration and there are many living creatures that experience sound in spite of having no ears .. even plants do. Besides that, the human body actually has lots of specialized receptors for sound/vibration, e.g.
People Hear with Their Skin as well as Their Ears.
Those things are all over your body,
including internal organs. And if you are missing a prepuce you may not get the
full experience of low freqs (i.e. "vibrations between 10 and 50 hertz").. just saying.

Since many/most of those extra receptors are in the skin & fingers, wearing a ski suit/gloves may not be the best way to experience sound. OTOH, the best way (naked) may be quite an issue in a few places.
Anyway ...
You and anyone else may only care about the ears experience and may think that this thread is "useless".
That's 100% fine with me, I'm happy for you and wish you good luck!