My PC is connected to my audio interface, of course, via USB.
My speakers are connected to my audio interface via XLR to TRS balanced cables.
My computer monitor is connected to my PC via a display port, but it can be connected HDMI as well.
My computer monitor has 2 HDMI ports and one display port.
Right now I have my PS5 connected to computer monitor, then computer monitor headphone jack, connected to audio interface with 3.5 TRS to dual TS cable, which is not good, but it works. I have those LINE INs with hardware input monitoring, so the computer doesn't need to be ON
I want to connect PS5 to audio interface with something like Pom100 which uses PS5 usb to optical, but if I do that, I would have no optical port for my TV to connect to.
I care more about ps5 sound than the TV as I don't watch much, but would be nice to listen TV through my Genelec
So for this I would need