The one thing that I wonder about -- and I'm genuinely asking, not trolling -- is if DAC's are a solved problem, what exactly are all the engineers at DCS, Chord, and MSB building? Bulls--t machines? Are they self-deluded or actively trying to delude their customers? I have a hard time believing that a bunch of top-notch engineers are getting into the niche business of high-end audio to con people. What's inside of the three boxes of the MSB Cascade DAC, a bunch of rusty nails? Surely there's some purpose to all of the gear. Is it just to color the sound to their personal taste? Personally, I've owned only ASR-approved Topping DAC's, so I have no agenda other than curiosity. I'd love more than anything else for the ASR school of thought to be the right one, as it would justify my purchases and save me a lot of money going forward. And much as I'd love to put the issue to rest with a blind listening test, I can't afford an MSB DAC. Moreover, I don't have a single friend with an R2R DAC, let alone an expensive one, so the blind listening test is not going to happen. I simply wish there were more clarity and civilized discussion rather than the subjectivist and objectivist camps mocking each other.