Hi there. I´m trying to slowly gather a small headphone collection, mostly looking for good bang for the buck. I plan to buy the HD600 in the future, but at this moment I have the oportunity to buy the HD560s from Amazon for aproximately US$160 (I live in Mexico). Do you think the HD560s would be a good stopgap for half the price of the HD600 (aprox US$320 at this moment) or it would be better to wait and go directly for the HD600 in the future? If I buy the HD560s now, I would wait till next year to get the HD600.
I mainly compose and produce music as a hobby. At the moment my priority is somenthing "as flat/neutral as possible" (I already have the M40X, SHP9500, K371 for use at home and Koss Porta Pro, KPH30i, KTX Pro1, 7hz Zero 2 and Moondrop Chu 2 for when I go out and dont´care about neutral). Other headphones I plan to buy are the HE400se (or maybe Sundara), and M50x (this one just for the sake of collecting and having something with more of a "consumer sound". Actually I bought then during Prime Day sale, but had to send them back because of driver imbalance and as Amazon only gave me the option of refund I got the K371 instead). Thanks for your advice.