This is very right approach, in my opinion. If I may, I would recommend you even better way - to take look at Ekio software. It has very nice feature that you may upload REW measurement in *.txt curve. Then you may work on filters and VISUALLY see results of applied filters. Interestingly measurement in REW made later, after applying corrections, perfectly match predicted by Ekio curve. See screenshots - 1st is REW measurement of SB20frpc30-8 in 60 liters bass reflex with NO correction (just curve from REW imported). Second shows several of filters applied to flatten down the response. You can see on the screen result of each filter LIVE. In my opinion it's awersome.
Later, once I have filters done I manually copy (peak dB, Q, freq) to Jriver equalizer - this part of the workflow is already exactly as you do. The differance is I have, let's name it, "measurement and correction guidnance (or better call it navigation?)" and don't need to measure after each change. Just overall measure after bunch of corrections to confirm if all went well. Another differance is I use heavily optimizes Windows Server 2012 not Win 11. I have only 29 processes running in bacground, while with Win11 I never managed go below 114 - 98 processes. It's debateble does it hurt or not, but at least I have "good feeling"

that I am having audio dedicated computer