I just googled this morning: Intempéries, to track the situation of rain across the world.
In some parts rain is desperately needed (forest fires burning @ record levels), in other parts they have erosions, mountains' sides collapsing, volcanoes extinguished, Ireland is under rain, Sussex, England was under a chlorine cloud of some origin, Texas is under Harvey dropping intermittently buckets over buckets of water that you need a boat to drive around the streets in Houston. Houses are getting destroyed, picture albums, souvenirs, or by fires or by water...intempéries.
But the entry number nine brought me right here, @ ASR in this very thread, how come. It's not raining around the west coast, it's not raining in the Okanagan valley, it's more forest fires that people are fighting against. And it's rain that is much needed.
We live sometimes in an unbalanced world, and there is not much we can do about it...the natural elements, the emotional stress syndrome, the syndicate of audio laws. We can only defend and protect ourselves against too many fires burning and too much rain falling by playing safe. ...Building products that are on higher grounds, underground electrical wires, wireless communication systems using satellites and not earth towers, building walls between cities and forests...or fireguards, and by being preventive. If we don't invest in training, we will be experiencing casualties. It's a figure of speech, an important one.
It's rare that a product catch fire; it happened with some Onkyo receivers in the past, and with some Samsung androids in planes above 30,000 feet.
Just imagine a plane going down with all the passengers aboard because of a cell phone! Or a house burning down with all its occupants, including children, because of a poorly designed receiver. It's very rare, but it can happen and we all have read true stories (no fake news here) of poor safety designs.
Where do they make Samsung androids and tablets? And who was convicted recently to five years in jail?
Where do they make Onkyo products, and who bought them to join their ranks?
Those are only two brands here, and covering only a short period time about specific circumstances.
But, I can enumerate many other brands over the years with poor safety designs and malpractices, or deceptive tactics.
Do you want the names of those companies...like Sony, Lexicon, Panasonic, and on and on and on.
Where are those products made; America, China, Canada, UK, Japan, Korea, Phillipines, ...where and by who and in what working conditions and with what kind of business plan?
Intempéries are deadly for electronics. ...Dust too, air pollution, heat. Batteries can explode, capacitors can explode, fast processing chips can heat so fast that without heatsinks or fans they are vulnerable to the elements of unsafe protection; failures.
Be good with each other because in some other parts of the world it is much worst on how women and children are exploited by men of destruction/violence and unsafe practices. It leads nowhere but down, like hell, like billion flames of fire, like a downpour rain inundating everything in its path; destroying all electronics, electrical grids, insurance claims, warranty protections, basic food services, 911 support, human lives.
Yes, rain brought me right here in this very thread...strange isn't it. But it's raining over there too...in Texas, in Ireland, in the heart of children, men and women all across the four corners of our globe. People are crying everywhere, inside their heart and out. Making safe babies by designing them with care and love is the way to build better products in a better world. ...Taking care of people's health first is taking care of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the smoke we produce, ...the planet we all live in.
A balance of the natural elements is part of the human agenda in the year 2017 and beyond. ...In and out.