So, there are 4 INputs to this Sabaj: BT/USB/Opto/Coax.
Wouldn't the safer turn-on procedure, THEN, be to FIRST reduce the INput Levels TO (..or OUTput Levels FROM) units feeding the A10d' rear-panel?
If all 4 inputs are not fully populated; user can buy additional 'insurance' by setting its source to the input port that is NOT populated?
I'd leave the dang-thing switched on 24/7.
Wouldn't the safer turn-on procedure, THEN, be to FIRST reduce the INput Levels TO (..or OUTput Levels FROM) units feeding the A10d' rear-panel?
If all 4 inputs are not fully populated; user can buy additional 'insurance' by setting its source to the input port that is NOT populated?
I'd leave the dang-thing switched on 24/7.