Active Member
In my pipeline for playing CD audio I currently attenuate audio captured via the UR23 over USB to avoid intersample overs on CDs. I do this using a -4dB filter as the last step of the pipeline for each channel. Given what you say about CamillaDSP only detecting overs in its own processing, would it be better to reduce gain in the mixer input stage instead? My thinking is that the gain would then be reduced before the pipeline, and thus CamillaDSP would be aware of any intersample overs in the wave form from that point onwards.From a CamillaDSP perspective it will report intersample overs as clipped samples if they occur as a result of CamillaDSP processing. As you are using CamillaDSP for volume control you do not need the -1 dB on all output channels, that was something I included for use with downstream DAC volume control.
Of course you can still have intersample overs upstream of CamillaDSP if you have resampling in your sources. You can likely avoid this by reducing your source volume a few dB. Important to note that intersample overs caused by your source will not be reported as clipped samples by CamillaDSP.
I also wonder if this would be more efficient than using a filter.