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RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE


Master Contributor
Forum Donor
Jan 1, 2019
São Paulo, Brazil
I'm kind of interested, wonder how much more will it cost over the current version.
I wonder if they will ever release a 10 band PEQ version
With every announcement I cross my fingers, but not there yet....

@MC_RME I wonder if using a more powerful processor would cost x margins more in the few dozen euros more, or more like hundreds more? Or is the problem PCB area (I assume not, since cell phones have tiny and very powerful processors, but what do I know). Thanks.
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Neat, but what cans would need such power / odd connectors?
Well ain't that just typical. Been waiting a decade to buy a new adc/dac, get a top of the line product, couple of months later a new version comes out :facepalm:

I wonder if they will ever release a 10 band PEQ version
Or even just 6, or 7, whatever still fits the CPU headroom.
Well ain't that just typical. Been waiting a decade to buy a new adc/dac, get a top of the line product, couple of months later a new version comes out :facepalm:

Or even just 6, or 7, whatever still fits the CPU headroom.
If you don't know, the latest firmware allows to save bass and treble presets, unofficially making the ADI-2 a 7 band PEQ DAC.
In short, having independent 3/4 outputs would allow the ADI-2 Pro to implement high-pass / low-pass into its outputs for speakers + sub. That would be very nice!
This thing needs to come out sooner then later. I need a new amp/dac and now I don’t want to buy until this.
If you don't know, the latest firmware allows to save bass and treble presets, unofficially making the ADI-2 a 7 band PEQ DAC.
Did RME release additional documentation... I imagine they did... To cover this new feature?
Did RME release additional documentation... I imagine they did... To cover this new feature?

RME updates the manual for each firmware release when features are added or changed. So head over to RME website and download the manual.

You've been able to use the treble and bass slots for some time... What has changed?
You know there is an official RME forum with announcements, downloads and documentation, right? There you can find all answers.
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