In anticipation of Amir's review and measurements of the Trinnov Altitude 16, I wanted to collect the follow up questions ahead of time so that Amir can address them all in one sitting (sorry @amirm but you can pick and choose what makes sense to you!) rather than piece meal after measurements are posted and unit packed away. For example after reviews of the Monoprice HTP-1 and Emotiva processors were posted, there were some excellent follow up questions related to voltages and the like, but many measurements could not be taken because the units were respectfully returned to their owners (maybe you can take inspiration from those questions?). Additionally, these questions could serve as the standard battery of questions for those prepared to pay over $10,000 for their dream cinema processor so that when Amir receives the Storm Audio ISP Mk2, Lyngdorf MP-60 or Datasat at some point in the future, we can have some solid apples to apples data points to talk about! And as the owner of this particular Trinnov unit Amir is reviewing, I'm equally as excited to find out how Trinnov compares to the HTP-1 (my alternate choice).
And maybe most importantly, I do plan to have the Trinnov rep on my YouTube channel to not only discuss the strengths and unique features of the Altitude, but also any measurement discrepancies or concerns we may uncover here on ASR - some manufacturers may be hesitant to face the wrath of anonymous posters on ASR, but may take more kindly to participate in an open dialogue with me.
Also PLEASE limit this thread to discussions concerning the questions and measurements you'd like Amir to address rather than the value or merit of buying any $20,000 processor.
Here's my question: What output voltage setting provides the best sound quality, or does it matter?
And maybe most importantly, I do plan to have the Trinnov rep on my YouTube channel to not only discuss the strengths and unique features of the Altitude, but also any measurement discrepancies or concerns we may uncover here on ASR - some manufacturers may be hesitant to face the wrath of anonymous posters on ASR, but may take more kindly to participate in an open dialogue with me.
Also PLEASE limit this thread to discussions concerning the questions and measurements you'd like Amir to address rather than the value or merit of buying any $20,000 processor.
Here's my question: What output voltage setting provides the best sound quality, or does it matter?
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