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Review of the new Schiit URD

  1. USB-C stream output
  2. Metal CD tray and mechanism from StreamUnlimited
  3. Made in USA
  4. Dual linear power supplies - one for the drive
  5. Dual USB-C outs
Tried to open the link and got a 403 forbidden - but I was able to get to the page via Google. Is darko blocking click throughs from ASR, or is this just a glitch?
I suppose it makes sense for the URD in the Schiit biosphere, but personally I have no use for all of these USB input/outputs as I have plenty on my other non-Schiit equipment so I'd probably use the AES output. I don't like that I don't have a TOSLINK option.

Haven't really read/seen a good review yet of this against what I would call the direct competitors (price differences notwithstanding) the CA CXC V2 or the Audiolab CDT6000/7000/9000. Would be interesting to see how it scales up with better supporting equipment than I've seen.

The price point gives me pause as well, because you're now out of the under-$1000 range and I opine that anyone willing to go $1299 plus tax and shipping (in the states) puts it over $1400 for a lot of people and moves it into the realm of customers who would stretch to consider a Jay's Audio transport or such. I understand that the cheapest Jay's transport is $2500 and a thousand $'s isn't chicken poop but possibly no tax and free shipping for the Jay's (again in the states).

Of course, you can bypass the entire affair by either just streaming or playing ripped digital files through another unit.
these are 100% made in the us right?

so there's somewhere in the us where they are making sleds and optical reader lens etc? that's quite amazing
For $1300 it had better play everything: CD, DVD-A and SACD. With other features like HDCD decoding and proper de-emphasis. And emit the raw bits without downsampling or conversion. And have optional built-in DSD to PCM conversion, for DACs that are PCM-only.
It doesn't, which makes it overpriced.

Don't agree here. It's a transport, then YOU DEAL WITH THE OUTPUT.
i took an old dvd player and plugged it into a random dac in my setup and i really doubt i could pass an abx on this vs. a laptop sending out the same ripped flac


we all know Hegel is a favorite brand of ASR

i'll let you work out the price

Admittedly, Hegel products are SOTA, so this alone can easily make them the favorite of anybody; and generally speaking, the people messing around here do know things...
But it can't even read SACD or DVD-A, so there's no output to deal with.

My comment was more of a generic one, regarding just the DSD => PCM conversion.
If I had read the specs, though, I surely would have commented differently... :)
Does that drive REALLY make a difference? I would assume that if a DVD drive from a PC had too much vibration for CD playback, you'd hear digital noise and dropouts. That has never happened to me.. I also have a pretty decent drive that I use EAC with and it has good error correction, so can anyone explain these super expensive drives?
some people are clumsy & break the drive when it is in the out position (maybe they put their coffee mug on it, [apparently Schiit thinks that might be the case])
From the Schitt URD manual:
"1 CD Tray. Put your CD in here. After
ejecting the tray, that is. And by “CD,” we mean Redbook CD, not some weirdo thing with SACD or MP3s or FLAC on it.
And no, it’s not for holding your coffee mug either".
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Had this thing for a month and then sold it. Too many usability issues. Like basic stuff, which is really embarrassing given that the technology is mature.
I bought one 8mos ago. I needed a transport. (Why? I like my wall of CDs , next to my wall of LPS and, yeah, everything is ripped to my NAS - but I prefer physical media, the interaction in the selection process mainly).

Anyway, I looked at pretty much everything out there: esoteric, teac, audio lab - higher and lower. I was looking for a solid transport, not slot loading, no DAC, optimal connectivity. I decided the Urd, after months of research, was the best bang for my buck.

It’s a solid unit. Yeah, I wish it loaded a little faster but that’s literally my only complaint. Pretty short review because the Urd does everything it’s supposed to do very well. I recommend it if you’re looking for a new transport. For reference, I’ve had (and have) modded Sony and Oppo, Teac, and Wadia to name a few. The Urd is a much better transport than my modded 105. Tough to beat a Wadia but alas…

If you’re not interested in the media (CDs, because that’s what the Urd is for and what this thread is about) why comment? It’s really annoying to sift through all this BS of ‘just do this or that’ that having nothing to do with playing a CD in an attempt to find useful information that might guide someone’s decision to purchase a transport. I don’t care about your favorite streaming service. I don’t care if you’re satisfied with your $39 Samsung DVP Goodwill find. I don’t care if you think the Urd is expensive - unless you have something you know to be better for less money. Tell me what you know about the Urd or others if it’s ilk. Otherwise, do us all a favor…
If you’re not interested in the media (CDs, because that’s what the Urd is for and what this thread is about) why comment? It’s really annoying to sift through all this BS of ‘just do this or that’ that having nothing to do with playing a CD in an attempt to find useful information that might guide someone’s decision to purchase a transport. I don’t care about your favorite streaming service. I don’t care if you’re satisfied with your $39 Samsung DVP Goodwill find. I don’t care if you think the Urd is expensive - unless you have something you know to be better for less money. Tell me what you know about the Urd or others if it’s ilk. Otherwise, do us all a favor…
I wish that I could give you 500 likes (like a 500 star review) for this part of your statement.
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