I bought one 8mos ago. I needed a transport. (Why? I like my wall of CDs , next to my wall of LPS and, yeah, everything is ripped to my NAS - but I prefer physical media, the interaction in the selection process mainly).
Anyway, I looked at pretty much everything out there: esoteric, teac, audio lab - higher and lower. I was looking for a solid transport, not slot loading, no DAC, optimal connectivity. I decided the Urd, after months of research, was the best bang for my buck.
It’s a solid unit. Yeah, I wish it loaded a little faster but that’s literally my only complaint. Pretty short review because the Urd does everything it’s supposed to do very well. I recommend it if you’re looking for a new transport. For reference, I’ve had (and have) modded Sony and Oppo, Teac, and Wadia to name a few. The Urd is a much better transport than my modded 105. Tough to beat a Wadia but alas…
If you’re not interested in the media (CDs, because that’s what the Urd is for and what this thread is about) why comment? It’s really annoying to sift through all this BS of ‘just do this or that’ that having nothing to do with playing a CD in an attempt to find useful information that might guide someone’s decision to purchase a transport. I don’t care about your favorite streaming service. I don’t care if you’re satisfied with your $39 Samsung DVP Goodwill find. I don’t care if you think the Urd is expensive - unless you have something you know to be better for less money. Tell me what you know about the Urd or others if it’s ilk. Otherwise, do us all a favor…