I forgot to mention. If you don't know where to buy the jumper cable, I have three versions I am offering for sale:
1. The yellow one you see in the picture. You can buy them for 10 cents on ebay but because I will be selling them, the price is $10.
2. A 99% oxygen-free cable with hand forged alligator clips. I will be offering these for $399.
3. The ultimate version made out of free-radical-free insulation, cryogenically treated, electron aligned conductors. It is built by nude virgins on a remote island so it does not come cheap. For ASR members, I am offering this at a special price of $9999.
All three will objectively improve the fidelity of Schiit Jotunheim. Unlike any other cable you have bought before.
Product will be shipped on first come, first serve basis. It is not available in Hawaii or Alaska or anywhere not allowed by law.