All, skip this unless you are interested in FPGA rabbit holes.
Thanks for the pointer. I found the video you referenced:
It is very interesting but it still only covers the FPGA advantage is general terms. The bias is towards having more taps, which they cite as a product of their fast crystal oscillator (separate component) and the capability of the FPGA, delivering their WTA Filter algorithm. They point out that a normal DAC only operates at a frequency of 6MHz, giving "poor resolution" while their Chord FPGA operates "around 20 times faster" at 104MHz. This is done to reproduce "incredibly small micro-details from the original recording."
Maybe kinda. An FPGA running at 20x the speed of a fixed silicon chip does not indicate being 20 times better or 20 times faster. For example, if the WTA Filter involves any floating point math then a regular chip would potentially be more efficient. A good overview of the relative nature of FPGA advantages/disadvantages is
here. This overview is useful because it shows how relative the advantages or disadvantages are depending on
what FPGA is being used,
how it is being used, and for
which purposes.
I am most interested in the first two items right now, but I can't find any detailed information, especially around the
how part. If you have information please pass along a link. As mentioned above, I'm curious.
Anyway, let's move away from 'how does the WTA Filter work' and into 'what does the WTA Filter accomplish.' This is the
which purpose bit. Chord appear to focus on taps (a sampling rate) because it "
solves the question as to why higher sampling rates sound better.” So let's zoom into why more taps are better. As per the link earlier in this paragraph, Chord say it "is well known that 96 kHz (DVD Audio) recordings sound better than 44.1 kHz (CD) recordings [...] What is not well known is that 768 kHz recordings sound better than 384 kHz and that the sound quality limit for sampling lies in the MHz region." They slam mass produced DACs as not being able to provide the same capability.
Hm...their numbers in the video cited above contradict this statement (a normal DAC "operates at a frequency of 6MHz"). But perhaps we should read "the sound quality limit for sampling lies in the MHz region" as "the sound quality limit for sampling lies in the [high] MHz region." Unknown. That information is not presented. But I digress. Just the claim that sound quality limit for sampling lies in the MHz region takes us into a whole new territory beyond the scope of the FPGA per se. Let's just say Chord thinks their WTA filter is useful because it allows lots more sampling. Sometimes this seems to provide good outcomes (Qutest) and sometimes not (Mojo). It does not appear to be a panacea.
In the end, what I can conclude from the Chord information is that their statements ultimately mean "mass-produced DACs do not run our WTA Filter" and "we propose that the WTA Filter is a clear advantage in making better sound" rather than"the use of X FPGA is objectively better because of XYZ factors." There is a subtle difference between these two propositions, and my take from the majority of their material is that they
do put some emphasis on the latter. Yet, from the information at-hand, if they had the distribution scale, there is a real possibility that a mass-produced DAC with the WTA Filter would be faster, more effective and less power hungry. This does not mean I am correct. It just means this is where I got with the material I have seen.