Hi - I am thinking about upgrading my stereo audio setup (all because I spend too much time on ASR!) and need guidance from the experts. I have decided on Revel Salon2, and here are my questions -
1. Will I need a subwoofer to complete the range?
2. Will a pair of Benchmark AHB2 in bridged mono mode provide enough power to drive this?
3. Will this setup need any equalization (in that case will get rme adi-2 dac fs)?
Thanks in advance!
1. Is suppose that depends on your music listening tastes. For 2-channel I use Roon, Oppo UDP0205 DAC, Benchmark LA4, AHB2 (b-amped). With Room gain, music should not be an issue without subs but
@DonH56 makes a good point on offloading your speakers.
2. I bi-amp the Salon2s and have the option to bridge but I don't clip them at my listening levels. Even with HT loud, they are not clipping so I don't. I have one friend who also bi-amps the Salon2s and another that bridges, mostly for demoing to friends

During tests I can get the clip indicators to light. The AHB2s apparently have no trouble delivering current so they will voltage clip.
Benchmark has published a paper to compute the volume before voltage clipping. I used that compute the 106 dB for the Salon2s:
I made measurements at 2.83 volt at my 11' listening position of 86 dB (including room gain) and that came out between 104 dB (128 watts) and 107 dB (256) watts.
3. Equalization helps room modes. I don't use it currently but have the option. At some point, I 'll try it and also offload to the subwoofers. At also have a SHD for my Office system but it is the new hardware and Roon Endpoint is glitch, Roon ready is not certified, so this is a work in progress. I have done some A/B comparisons to the UPD-205 with no EQ and the 205 seems a bit more open on the top end. There is nothing measured by ASR that would support this, but it is a newer hardware platform.
- Rich