@ i got a letter. I guess you're referring to me, as I think I'm the only poster who's heard one, two in fact.
I said it 'sounds excellent', because it does and because I have no measurements to provide to validate that.
I did compare it against my own phonostage, which is measured at -84db snr 20-20khz, ref 2v output level, 64db gain. I've not heard a quieter MC stage. It's a Paradise, designed by Joachim Gerhard, but built by me, and features quad paralleled devices on the input, all hand measured and selected for low noise. Make of that what you will.
Just guessing I'd say the TE mastergroove is certainly into -80db under same conditions, tested with the old reliable ear against speakers at full volume.
I'd certainly describe both of them as being as close to a riaa shaped curved wire with gain as you're likely to find.