I'm not sure I would go with any subwoofer if my main speakers had a full-range capacity, I would just position them optimally in the room and call it a day.
Why would I be missing the ability to EQ below 100 Hz, that is perfectly doable no matter the crossover point and should preferably be done at the source. It is a bad idea to have the EQ built into the subwoofers as that would limit the EQ-able range severely, it's way better to do that externally so that you can use the EQ full range or at least up to 500 Hz.
Our systems have it built into both the speakers and the subs. But if you are in a situation where you have it externally, you likely have crossover capability too, so then you are no longer in the situation I am discussing.
Please also note that I am not challenging your choices or saying your choice is wrong, I am talking in general terms.