I always think buying the highest price alternative in the market is a big mistake. In most cases the companies that made those products like Beveridge or Apogee have gone out of business, leaving the buyer in a quandary regarding how to service the product. That's why I'd rather own LS 3/5 a's than a pair of Beveridge Electrostatics. Likewise a Hafler DH-220 is probably more serviceable today than, say, a Levinson ML-2. Ultimately, when you back away from that bleeding edge and buy a still excellent product, you'll probably find it's something that the market will embrace and continue to maintain because it's delivers a high quality experience and can, even if the originating company goes belly up, be maintained by local electronic technicians. Something like a Linn will have a variety of mechanics continuing to service it (and it's still actively sold today), but a Versa Dynamics not so much.