We do and in your case you gave more than most.

So do you still fly at any capacity? Recreationally etc?
Feet will never leave the ground again. Not even on an airline.
Figure I've used up all my luck. Lost track of how many times I was sure "this is it" and not a damned thing I can do about it.
Miss it infrequently, but I've got the memories and I know I've seen and done things people can't even imagine.
Saved lives, so many I just stopped counting at some point.
Also stopped counting the number of recoveries.
so there's also some memories I'd rather not have.
I still remember the newer guys asking me how many missions I'd flown, how many this, how many that and replying "I dunno, that sounds about right". We're a small community so I'd talk with those guys again later on and they then understood what I meant with "I dunno"......
So it's about a draw overall.
Between the pension, the disability insurance, CPP-D and VAC, I'm pretty well taken care of. I'm classified as "125% disabled" by VAC. That's where they stopped because i jst got tired of describing more service injuries. Once you're over 100% it doesn't matter anymore anyways. Medical is also covered until the day I die. My "income" is right about what it was when I was flying, and it's like that until I hit 70, and then it drops to full pension rates, plus insurance, plus CPP-D. All indexed to the COL each year. So no financial stresses to deal with. That's something at least. I was also always smart with the money, so no debts whatsoever and about 55% left on the mortgage. Cars are new, so good there. We pay cash when we buy them. Have so much money put away in RRSP's I dont think we;ll ever get the tax break when pulling it out Stopped RRSP's years ago and have been pounding the TFSA's. Like I mentioned, we were/are smart with the money we did/do get.
Still, it all comes out about even.....I don't even know if I'll be able to walk that day until I wake up and my legs will move. Then it's dealing with pain all day until sleep. Broken neck, broken back, both knees blown out, shoulder blown out, probably looking at a hip replacement in a few years, every joint, muscle and tendon has been torn at some point...constant physio for everything, have my own traction table at home, etc, etc. I wake up in the morning and note the pain level, set that as baseline for the day and ignore it unless something begins to hurt worse, then I know it's something I need to pay attention to.
SAR is all or nothing.
Give till it literally hurts and then dig deeper......