As the title says, it'a project for DIY a Realiser A16 like device by using some open source project and some public availabe product.
Here is the diagram shows an overview of the project:
The Core logic for Realiser A16 has few parts, and they can be replaced with some avaibale product:
1. Create BRIR (binaural room impulse responses): can accompished by using the Impulcifer(, a Audio interface and two good small microphone.
2. Decode Atmos/DTS:X audio(up to 9.1.6): AV receiver can do this too, some old AV receiver can decode 7.1.4 which is good enough, and buy a used one is very cheap.
3. Convolution audio with BRIR: any processor with good floating point performace can do this, an old PC, or a GPU, even some SBC.
4. HeadTracking to adjust convolution: 3dof sensor have a lot available product, but Impulcifer are not native support it thought, so this should be a tricky part.
Some of my key points:
1. To use Impulcifer, a good microphone is important, I tried two choice:
a. Second hand Sennheiser MKE 2 Gold, with 48v Phantom Power version. cost CNY2200 (~$303) a pair.
b. PUI Audio HD Microphone, available on digikey/mouser, ex: AOM-5024L-HD-R (~$3 each), with a pair of BOYA 35C-XLR Phantom Power to plugin power adapter.
Both of them can produce good results, and PUI microphone is a much cheaper option, but need solder and some microphone cables.
2. To use AV receiver's digital borad get the decoded I2S signal, it should be an outdated product which can found service manual easily on web, so a lot easier to hack the circut.
I used a Pioneer SC-LX59, since it has very detailed service manual and cheap: only CNY2600(~$360) plus shipping.
3. For capture the I2S, I used 6 Raspi Zero 2w, have I2S slave mode, and sutiable for LX59 since it's I2S don't have MCLK, the data will send to a old laptop with network over USB.
4. I have a MT48 which support Ravenna/AES67, so the audio data processed will send to MT48 with network, but a USB interface could also works.
5. HeadTracking will use steamVR tracker, it's very precise and can run wireless, but BRIR fits are still in progress.
Current I can get the 12ch Audio and send it to MT48, to make BRIR and HeadTraking works it still need some time, will post some update about it when I have new progress.
Here is the diagram shows an overview of the project:
The Core logic for Realiser A16 has few parts, and they can be replaced with some avaibale product:
1. Create BRIR (binaural room impulse responses): can accompished by using the Impulcifer(, a Audio interface and two good small microphone.
2. Decode Atmos/DTS:X audio(up to 9.1.6): AV receiver can do this too, some old AV receiver can decode 7.1.4 which is good enough, and buy a used one is very cheap.
3. Convolution audio with BRIR: any processor with good floating point performace can do this, an old PC, or a GPU, even some SBC.
4. HeadTracking to adjust convolution: 3dof sensor have a lot available product, but Impulcifer are not native support it thought, so this should be a tricky part.
Some of my key points:
1. To use Impulcifer, a good microphone is important, I tried two choice:
a. Second hand Sennheiser MKE 2 Gold, with 48v Phantom Power version. cost CNY2200 (~$303) a pair.
b. PUI Audio HD Microphone, available on digikey/mouser, ex: AOM-5024L-HD-R (~$3 each), with a pair of BOYA 35C-XLR Phantom Power to plugin power adapter.
Both of them can produce good results, and PUI microphone is a much cheaper option, but need solder and some microphone cables.
2. To use AV receiver's digital borad get the decoded I2S signal, it should be an outdated product which can found service manual easily on web, so a lot easier to hack the circut.
I used a Pioneer SC-LX59, since it has very detailed service manual and cheap: only CNY2600(~$360) plus shipping.
3. For capture the I2S, I used 6 Raspi Zero 2w, have I2S slave mode, and sutiable for LX59 since it's I2S don't have MCLK, the data will send to a old laptop with network over USB.
4. I have a MT48 which support Ravenna/AES67, so the audio data processed will send to MT48 with network, but a USB interface could also works.
5. HeadTracking will use steamVR tracker, it's very precise and can run wireless, but BRIR fits are still in progress.
Current I can get the 12ch Audio and send it to MT48, to make BRIR and HeadTraking works it still need some time, will post some update about it when I have new progress.