We call this biting your nose despite your face.
You're mixing up your sayings. Also, you cannot bite your own nose. LOL.
The correct saying is "cutting off your nose
to spite your face"
In your case, I would use "biting the hand that feeds you". More appropriate.
Your schtick seems to be to act hostile and demand that people run a test you have not run or thought through yourself. This kind of approach doesn't work with me.
Not people. Just you. It's your website and you are the reviewer.
The only category I have ongoing criticism of your methods is amplification. It's also a personal interest of mine and Pavel's. He designs, builds and tests. I repair, restore and test. I do all my testing (often so extensive it's ridiculous) for me (and a small number of people I decide to work on their gear), not for the world at large.
People always want more and more and they want it for nothing. You most likely don't get acknowledgment, letalone any thanks. You might think I'm just one of those people, but you'd be wrong. My contribution here to date has been to help as much as commentate.
The fact of the matter is you need to re-consider your power output testing to come in line with current regulations. I've lost count of all the nice ways I've brought this up over the years, now it's just pigheadedness from you and frustration for me at your increasingly confused responses and vain attempts to shut us down. As you say, that "kind of approach doesn't work with me", either.
But it's Christmas in less than two weeks and I have little interest in having a ongoing fight over FTC regulations and amplifier testing. The rule is in place and is law in the US. It's game over for arguments and time to start following the spirit of it- Christmas that is.
Merry Christmas, Amir.