I recently visited my old high school back in Malaysia. It has changed a lot since I was there.
It is in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, sitting on some very expensive real estate. It is now surrounded by skyscrapers. In fact, the tallest skyscraper in Malaysia is opposite my old school. The school was built in 1898 by the British colonial government, one of many in Malaysia. That symbol on the tower is supposed to represent Christ atop the globe, it's not a female symbol pointing the wrong way which would be a bit strange for a boys' school. This is a Christian missionary school in a Muslim country - which tells you a lot about religious tolerance in Malaysia - surely one of the most progressive Muslim countries in the world.
The buildings are as beautiful as I remembered it. That is a church attached to the school.
My school had one of the best canteens, and this is what it looks like. Amazing selection, freshly cooked, tasty, healthy, and cheap. You can get a meal for RM$3 (USD$0.75). When I was in school it was even cheaper, but that was 30 years ago. Back then RM$1 (USD $0.25) would get you a pretty substantial meal with rice, eggs, vegetables, and meat. There are many stalls selling different cuisines, this was only one of them! Most South-East Asians think that if something is not cooked, then it is not food. The only raw things we eat are fruits, and even then the fruits are sometimes cooked. So it was a huge culture shock for me when I migrated to Australia and everything sold in the school canteen was raw salads or salad rolls with cold meats and cheese. I found the food almost inedible, I could not stomach an entire meal of mostly raw vegetables. I have since gotten used to it.