My guess is that the probably younger and less experienced people are headphone listeners and the old fogeys who have been playing around with hifi for decades mainly listen to speakers.
The young ones are much more active on forums and have far more questions due, perhaps, to their lack of experience. This leads to far more posts about headphones and headphone amps than speakers and power amps giving a false impression about the overall interests of the forum membership.
I have had headphones for almost 50 years now but never listen to them by preference, only when speaker listening is impossible or intrusive, which for me nowadays is rarely.
I listen to speakers several hours per day.
I never could listen to music when working, either I was totally distracted by the music and giving my business poor value for my time or I was concentrating so much on what I was doing I didn't remember hearing mosty of the music, either way, pointless for me!
Those who don't have 'ownership' of listening space tend not to use loudspeakers above a low volume.
Cars and headphones release listeners from those constraints, particularly younger folk - to escape the calls to 'turn it down' or 'what's that crap'?
Hey it happened when I was young but affordable hifi headphone gear and car sound systems were but a future dream.
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