I thought you might have done, but you can't really add Option 10 because multiple systems doesn't mean subwoofers. Instead it could mean a 2channel speaker system and headphones. I chose Option 10 for instance and that's because I use stereo speakers connected to TV for TV & movies (& sometimes music) and then headphones for music - well I do actually have a subwoofer but that's got nothing to do with me choosing Option 10.I just added lines 3,4,5 and 10 into one general group of more than 2 channel. That was my thinking. Not defending the logic of it and open to others interpretations. I said 50% use a sub because they represent approximately 50% of the 2 channel crowd. Again this was just off the top and open to interpretation.
Yep, but you can't say 50% of respondents own a sub because they represent 50% of the 2 channel crowd because the detail is there anyway, it's 2.1 and up for people owning a sub which is 25%+10% = 35%. So 35% of respondents own subs, not 50%. I'm not being arsy, just if you're gonna group together the statistics then you may as well be rigorous with choosing the right figures to group. You did choose some elucidating groupings albeit you put the wrong figures to a couple of them.