Okay, I'm going to admit it -- I can't hear the difference between a 96 dB SINAD amp and a 120 dB SINAD amp.
And I only need 2 channels.
So I might as well buy my next amp purely on cool factor.
What looks really good?
Power can output can be anything, really, as I can always buy more efficient speakers.
What's the best looking stereo integrated amp under $10K USD?
Here are the finalists:
[After a lot of
great discussion and submissions, it's time to vote on the Top 5].
The choices (in alphabetical order):
#1 Devialet Expert 400 -- keep the current amp
View attachment 99347
#2 Luxman LX-509X
#3. McIntosh MA8900
#4. Technics SU-R1000
View attachment 99348
#5 Yamaha AS 3200
I think that the best-looking amp is the one you simply don’t notice. My Yamaha AS-801 fits the bill. And adequately drives my (definitely not ASR approved) Magnepan LRS Speakers.
The system your choice has to decoratively match and live within:
Mod Edit: Original post where the butchery began:
Happy voting!
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