Active Member
I'm new to serious room equalization, room acoustics, managing room modes, subwoofer placement, etc etc but trying to learn and get started. I've got REW and a USB mike going (mike not yet calibrated but I'll get to that ASAP) and practicing making room measurements, though I'm still struggling to interpret it all. I've alsdo been playing with 'amroc' to try and get a grip on room modes . To add to my confusion, my system has some oddities that would seem to make it the process more complicated. Maybe some of you can critique what I'm doing and what seems to me, at this point anyway, to be a general path forward. Thanks in advance and here goes....
tube Traps
The room: L22 x H7.3 x W12.3 ft,, double sheetrock everywhere, green glue, channels etc. Carpeted floor, cushy couch, ottoman. I've got 4 ASC Tube Trap towers to play with but no toher room treatments so far.
The gear: There are 2 systems that are partially integrated. One is pretty conventional HT system with Denon X3800h AVR configured as Atmos 7.2.2. The other is a 2ch system. These both share the front/2ch amp (very large) and speakers (Maggi MGIIIa's, also very large). Source switching between HT fronts and 2ch is via Schiit Loki Max that then feeds the amp. This arrangement seems to work very nicely. I've got 2 modest subs to play with for the HT sysgtem later.
Goals: My first priority is getting the 2ch system worked out as best I can. It does not have any serious EQ (Loki Max isn't intended for that) and no facility to do any sort of DSP. Presumably that implies getting the MGIIIa's and lisgtening position optimally arranged. I'm happy with the MGIIIa's for 2 ch and see little need for subs on those.When that's done return to the HT system and do my best to optimize that with Audessy.
Results to date: Limited room measurments to date shows pretty lumpy LF response between 40hz and 200hz. There's a broad peak from 50-70hz (+10 dB!) and several peaks/troughs thereafter. I was gratified to see that peaks and troughs coincided almost perfectly with the room modes predicted by amrock, which I guess is what would be expected. Nice.
Where to go next?? I see a kind of sequence here:
tube Traps
The room: L22 x H7.3 x W12.3 ft,, double sheetrock everywhere, green glue, channels etc. Carpeted floor, cushy couch, ottoman. I've got 4 ASC Tube Trap towers to play with but no toher room treatments so far.
The gear: There are 2 systems that are partially integrated. One is pretty conventional HT system with Denon X3800h AVR configured as Atmos 7.2.2. The other is a 2ch system. These both share the front/2ch amp (very large) and speakers (Maggi MGIIIa's, also very large). Source switching between HT fronts and 2ch is via Schiit Loki Max that then feeds the amp. This arrangement seems to work very nicely. I've got 2 modest subs to play with for the HT sysgtem later.
Goals: My first priority is getting the 2ch system worked out as best I can. It does not have any serious EQ (Loki Max isn't intended for that) and no facility to do any sort of DSP. Presumably that implies getting the MGIIIa's and lisgtening position optimally arranged. I'm happy with the MGIIIa's for 2 ch and see little need for subs on those.When that's done return to the HT system and do my best to optimize that with Audessy.
Results to date: Limited room measurments to date shows pretty lumpy LF response between 40hz and 200hz. There's a broad peak from 50-70hz (+10 dB!) and several peaks/troughs thereafter. I was gratified to see that peaks and troughs coincided almost perfectly with the room modes predicted by amrock, which I guess is what would be expected. Nice.
Where to go next?? I see a kind of sequence here:
- For smoothing out bass, playing around with listening and speaker positions to get smoothest response. I guess this would entail lots of freq response measurements in different locations, maybe guided by amroc to the extent possible. Then do the same with the bass traps. Anything else?
- Next move on the ringing, echo, etc. I guess this is where the waterfall plots, RT60 etc come into play. For this I'm kind of a trained monkey. I thibnk I can get the plots on REW but not sure how to interpret of whe to do about them other than playing around with difussors, absorbing panels and stuff like that. Suggestions on how to tackle that?
- Finally, set up the subs for the 7.2.2 HT system.
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