Active Member
After much effort to optimize room placement I bit the bullet and went down the DSP/MiniDSP/Dirac rabbit hole. I feel like I'm at the point where I can use the software reasonably well but still have a long way to go in terms of interpretation and where to go with it. Kind of like learning the mechanics of driving but no understanding of navigation. Hopefully somebody will help me get to that next level. Here goes.....
Below shows work on FR. Scans were taken during different sessions so levels don't exactly match. Regardless, the Dirac EQing made a pretty obvious improvement. The tweaked version seems better still, though it did introduce another problem I'll get to later.
Freq Resp Scans (1/6 smoothing)
Purple: Uncorrected room FR
Red: Default Dirac correction, no tweaking
Blue: Tweaked version of the red Dirac-corrected scan.
Light green: Room noise with HVAC running. I'll work on that at some point.
Light blue: Room noise as-quiet-as-I-can-make-it. No idea what the 4kHz bump is, I'll try to find that too.
Now we come to the spectrograms. Below is Dirac EQ'd with the tweaked version below that. Notice the ringing (??) at about 100Hz. Seems odd, I have no idea how messing with EQ would introduce that. But does it look OK apart from that? Last is the RT60 response for the tweaked version, not surprising I guess. .
Dirac EQ'd
Dirac FR Tweaked
Any comments, critiques, interpretations, suggestions or ideas of next steps - if any - would be terrific. Thanks in advance and cheers,
Below shows work on FR. Scans were taken during different sessions so levels don't exactly match. Regardless, the Dirac EQing made a pretty obvious improvement. The tweaked version seems better still, though it did introduce another problem I'll get to later.
Freq Resp Scans (1/6 smoothing)
Purple: Uncorrected room FR
Red: Default Dirac correction, no tweaking
Blue: Tweaked version of the red Dirac-corrected scan.
Light green: Room noise with HVAC running. I'll work on that at some point.
Light blue: Room noise as-quiet-as-I-can-make-it. No idea what the 4kHz bump is, I'll try to find that too.
Now we come to the spectrograms. Below is Dirac EQ'd with the tweaked version below that. Notice the ringing (??) at about 100Hz. Seems odd, I have no idea how messing with EQ would introduce that. But does it look OK apart from that? Last is the RT60 response for the tweaked version, not surprising I guess. .
Dirac EQ'd
Dirac FR Tweaked
Any comments, critiques, interpretations, suggestions or ideas of next steps - if any - would be terrific. Thanks in advance and cheers,