Grand Contributor
STOP!! DO NOT BUY!! is a scam/spoof website do not buy anything.
I'm not surprised. The prices look to good to be true.
STOP!! DO NOT BUY!! is a scam/spoof website do not buy anything.
Actually, that mod was intended for the BS22 Monitor. I don't recall whether I every tried it with the center channel, and in any event a full crossover mod is really required to even things out.
Seconded! I've seen several instances telling us you're busy Mr. Murphy, but I'm hoping you can direct us nascent enthusiast with a crossover designed for the SP-C22 + BC25TG15-04? Pretty Please@Dennis Murphy Is the crossover mod listed anywhere public? I'd like to try it if it is.
Seconded! I've seen several instances telling us you're busy Mr. Murphy, but I'm hoping you can direct us nascent enthusiast with a crossover designed for the SP-C22 + BC25TG15-04? Pretty Please.
I took OP's suggestion and am using a pair of these rotated onto their sides as stereo speakers for my TV. My wife cannot understand dialog out of these thus the need to mod them. If DM is not able to, does anyone else have crossover suggestions? I watched the video linked on page 4 or 5, he just replaced the stock components with audio quality stuff of the same value. I guess I'll do the same and add the Vifa tweeters for now. I'll also take @alex-z advice and brace the cabinet. Everyone is right the black plastic wood grain is hideous. I veneered mine with white oak and placed them on white oak stands, they're much more pleasant to look at now. Thanks Everyone.
Thanks! Yes, I'm just using an old yamaha stereo receiver. I'm trying to fix dialog without spending much money due to having a newborn and a new job (read no income previously). I'd love to have 5.1 but I figure I should save for an atmos processor? Also I'm a total audio greenhorn so I have no idea what's worth spending money on. I guess I'll leave the crossover alone for the moment. But take your advice and brace the box. Should I just slap those Vifa tweeters in there too? I used to be a professional furniture maker so I can make beautiful things, but I broke my neck and back and had to find a less physical job. I'm looking forward to making a whole system with custom enclosures, driver kits and discrete amp components when I can afford them eventually.Are you running without a centre channel? Modding the C22 won't fix dialogue clarity if you don't have a centre channel. Even something cheap like the Emotiva C1+, Elac UC52, or SVS Prime Center channel all make a huge difference.
Replacing crossover components with items of the same value but higher quality is a waste. It is well proven that differences in capacitor and resistor quality are barely measurable, certainly not audible. Replacing iron core inductors with air core inductors does help, although frequency response can change if you don't match the inductors internal resistance.
Thanks! Yes, I'm just using an old yamaha stereo receiver. I'm trying to fix dialog without spending much money due to having a newborn and a new job (read no income previously). I'd love to have 5.1 but I figure I should save for an atmos processor? Also I'm a total audio greenhorn so I have no idea what's worth spending money on. I guess I'll leave the crossover alone for the moment. But take your advice and brace the box. Should I just slap those Vifa tweeters in there too? I used to be a professional furniture maker so I can make beautiful things, but I broke my neck and back and had to find a less physical job. I'm looking forward to making a whole system with custom enclosures, driver kits and discrete amp components when I can afford them eventually.
Dennis Murphy:Could the center channel mod be as simple as adding the Vifa tweeter and a 3.9uF cap?
20th February 2020, | 33 |
paulster diyAudio Member Join Date: Oct 2011 | Now that Dennis has (sadly) had to get out of the speaker business, does anybody have the details for the SP-C22 center channel mod, or a lead on where to purchase a modified one? I modified my SP-BS22-LR set some time ago and have been waiting to see when Dennis would make the center available again, but that's not going to happen now. I'd really like to get a center voiced the same as the modified fronts. |
20th February 2020, | #34 |
DreadPirate diyAudio Member Join Date: Jan 2006 Location: Athens, GA | Dennis discusses the center mod here: Philharmonic Audio - Dennis Murphy - Page 314 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews Basically, a 2ohm resistor and 3.9uF capacitor (he likes Audyn) on the + wire to the replacement Tymphany BC25TG15-04 tweeter. I really like the Pioneer based Affordable Accuracy monitors. I also built the modified BR-1s and, quite honestly, I prefer the Pioneers. |
Not sure if anyone still needs this but here is a pic of my AA Center (Pioneer C22) crossover that I got from DM to go with a pair of AA+ in Oct 2018.@Dennis Murphy Is the crossover mod listed anywhere public? I'd like to try it if it is.
On the way! I have one already, orphaned by upgrading, but I'm curious to try a stereo pair on the desktop. One in mono is okay with the strengths and weaknesses mentioned above. It's more pleasing rotated than it was as a center channel.Woot! is currently selling 'New; Open Box' samples of the Pioneer SP-C22 center channel loudspeaker for $43.64 each:
Thanks for posting this by the way, this is one of the most concrete bits of information about the center channel I have seen and I am planning on doing it later.Not sure if anyone still needs this but here is a pic of my AA Center (Pioneer C22) crossover that I got from DM to go with a pair of AA+ in Oct 2018.
View attachment 247500
I had picked up a couple Pioneer C22s cheap to use as matching surround channels and I wanted to AA 'em. I found that DM had posted the schematics for his version of the C22 full mod. in post #10,440 at
I compared my AA Center crossover to it and everything matched except the 12.5 ohm resistor on the right of my sketch (not highlighted). Mine had a 20 ohm resistor instead.
I was already emailing DM to get a pair of the new AAs so I asked him about this. He replied "I kept futzing with the final leg of the tweeter circuit. The stock center's response kept changing with new production runs. I wouldn't change anything unless the modded center's response sounds too bright to you. If it does, I would reduce the value of the parallel resistor to 12.5 Ohms. But on a center, it's probably better to err on the side of brightness to make sure dialog clarity doesn't suffer."
I'm very satisfied with my AA Center so I used 20 ohm when I upgraded the C22s but they haven't replaced my surrounds yet. They are in rotation with 5 other speaker pairs in a 2.1 setup with an old AJ Pioneer SW8 and they're holding their own. They sound pretty good standing upright.