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Pics you’ve taken,

Lycosa poliostoma
"Araña lobo"/ "Wolf spider"

There are many on my backyard at night. I took this picture last week late at night. (Olympus Mark I, 40-150 + 1.4 teleconverter + extension tubes + camera flash)
View attachment 340544
Amazing photo! We used to have these in South Africa and they are a good size and scary looking, but quite placid. Here in New Mexico we have tarantulas, which are gentle giants.

a beautiful bar/restaurant next to the Ice Rink... I drank a good espresso coffee.
with my iPhone 6.
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I like to visit thrift stores when I'm in the area, although it seems like 99% of the time I leave without buying anything. But late 2023-present has been an exceptionally productive time. But especially when deals seem too good to be true, I like to examine things inside and out before bringing them into the house, just in case there are any little "bonus items" hitching a ride.

Zojirushi rice cooker: $12
Sony boombox: $12 (I've spotted this same current model on 3 occasions and 2 different locations?)
Hafler DH101 preamp: $7
C Crane CCRadio2E: $4
Taken a few hours ago, on holidays.

Good luck playing basketbal or football here.

In all seriousness, this is a water plaza in Rotterdam. A temporary water storage location to lessen the load on the sewer and water infrastructure.
Lycosa poliostoma
"Araña lobo"/ "Wolf spider"

There are many on my backyard at night. I took this picture last week late at night. (Olympus Mark I, 40-150 + 1.4 teleconverter + extension tubes + camera flash)
View attachment 340544
But personally I will move somewhere else, they just freak me out in real
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