For me it's simple. I OWN the, 78s. 45s, 33s, 16s, Reel to Reel, Cassette, CDs and the right to sell any of them legally. I have always observed
copyrights for music, software and patent rights. Everything I have copies of I have the original. Several times I've acquired different copies
of the same song on the same media, BUT across a few generations. I did have a few 78s that were used to make distribution tapes and
a few reel to reel that were first and second gen master tapes.
I guess it's the difference between buying the tool or renting the tool. For the record, if music I liked didn't come on perminate media, like
LPs or CDs, I probably wouldn't use it any other way. One of the reason I didn't like magnetic media. It just takes a magnet to wipe it out.
Reel to Reel as a media, was and is, really fun, just like cassette. BUT like a physical hard drive magnets can be catastrophic.
The wife has been streaming for almost 3 days in a row. I also know everyone of the songs she listen to in those 3 days we still own the
physical media in one form and some times in 3. LP, Cassette, and CD. My 2003 Camry has a cassette/cd factory installed. It was not easy
to get that, it was special order.
I have a great CCR, Santana, ZZ, The Pretenders, B52s, and a few other cassettes for "Drivin". Great song too. "Drivin". Difficult format for
HiFi. While I'm bouncing down the road, the quality of the media is usually not an issue, the Semi in the other lane is.
Side Note: My brother was in a headon on highway 12 last Saturday (a week ago). He told me about it yesterday. Every air bag deployed and he and
his wife of 52 years survived with cuts and bruises and 2 cracked ribs. This is my big brother. 2022 or 23 GMC 2500 PU. The sadan blew a
tire (?), crossed the double yellow. It took the entire left front corner of the PU OFF. He creened back across the highway and landed in the
ditch from the side he started in. There was one article that said there were 2 survivors of the three. My brother and spouse are fine.
That PU no doubt saved my brother and SIL's life. I was his best man at his wedding when I was 15 years old.
The rule is simple, DON'T travel two lane roads if at all possible and ALWAYS leave yourself and who ever is in front of YOU a way out.
The delta is full of roads with WATER, sometimes, on both sides of the road. I've wound up OFF the road at least 3 times in 50 years of
driving in the delta. I've seen some VERY bad wrecks as a HD and DOT mechanic. Two lane roads are killers.
I've had one incident in my life driving a service truck for 49 years and cars since birth.
I'm 68. It dented the rim on a service truck and cost 725.00 USD to fix. I've driven a million miles backwards it seems.
I did clip the shop with a tractor when I was 9, Oops! I think Johnson was president.
I wonder if anyone was listening to music?
The moral of the story is; drive a bigger vehicle and pay attention. I'm not sure on the music part yet. I'm not of big fan of drivin'
I would like to take a rocket launch or two, or three and return or not. LOL